Introducing myself and my motivation.

Pre Production Design

I believe that the best commercials and films have an emotional message at their core, that is deeply human.

With everything that surrounds the production, it is sometimes hard to stay true to this initial feeling – the director’s essence. The most valuable thing you could have as an artist.

I want to help directors to manifest this feeling in their treatment, as clearly and strongly as they can. That’s why I designed my templates to structure and inspire thoughts.

My fascination for filmmaking started with a commercial I saw on tv.

In which a “life-turning” 180° pan revealed the film crew at work.
Because of it being a commercial, and my lack of vocabulary, I went on to learn about advertising. Yeah, not the tv commercial stuff I had in mind, but the old-school print and marketing art form. To my luck I loved it!

I got back on track and ended up studying filmmaking in London.

Now I am not only helping directors as a treatment designer and mood researcher, but also supporting brands with designs that focus on storytelling and true value.

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